Overview of REA

Rice Engineering Alumni (https://www.riceengineeringalumni.org) is the alumni organization of the George R. Brown School of Engineering (SOE) at Rice University.  Our mission is to support, honor, and connect Rice engineers before and after graduation. We pursue this goal by recognizing outstanding achievements, supporting students, and facilitating interactions among alumni, students, faculty, and staff.  Founded in 1938, REA is Rice’s oldest alumni organization and has approximately 18,000 living members. 

Every Rice alumnus who has a degree from one of the departments of the George R. Brown School of Engineering (https://engineering.rice.edu) is a member of REA, regardless of their profession or career since graduation.  The degree-granting departments in SOE are:

·       Bioengineering

·       Computer Science

·       Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

·       Electrical & Computer Engineering

·       Civil & Environmental Engineering

·       Materials Science & NanoEngineering

·       Computational Applied Mathematics

·       Mechanical Engineering

Operations Research (formerly CAAM or Mathematical Sciences)

·       Statistics

·       Rice Center for Engineering Leadership


Volunteer Roles

There are several opportunities to volunteer with the REA. We encourage interested individuals to first spend about a year volunteering with a standing committee(s) of their choice. In our more recent history, this experience provides a great test to see if you want to commit to a three-year term. Most of our recent new board members have been volunteers prior to joining the board.  You can start your volunteer experience generally at any point in a calendar year. While this is encouraged, it is not mandatory. 

A. Board of Directors

The REA Board of Directors oversees the affairs of REA; provides leadership to the Rice engineering alumni community; and represents the alumni community to the School of Engineering and other groups. We are a working board and so the activities that we implement require active involvement from members of the Board of Directors.  A working board is in contrast to a governing board which is what most people think of when they hear “Board of Directors.” 

Principal board functions include:

·       run the key programs and activities of the REA

·       establish policies and guidelines for REA

·       set the strategic plan and programmatic direction of REA

·       establish a budget and allocate funding for REA programs

·       serve as ambassadors for Rice Engineering to alumni and professional communities


The aspiration for any Board of Directors member would be to eventually be the leader or co-leader of one of the Standing Committees as described below. Additional details for Board of Directors applicants can be found here: https://www.riceengineeringalumni.org/rea-board-applications

B. Standing Committees


Much of the work of REA is conducted by its standing committees. Each committee consists of 5-10 alumni, including two or more members of the Board of Directors. Supported by the Board and by Rice’s Alumni and Development staff, these committees plan, budget, and execute programs to serve the mission of REA.  Current standing committees include:


1.     Education & Mentoring

·       Plans and executes an “Engineer Your Career” panel and other events in which alumni share career expertise with students

·       Spearheads alumni participation as guest speakers, sponsors, judges, and mentors in the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership (RCEL), Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK), and other programs throughout the year


2.     Student Grants & Awards

·       Manages REA’s Student Project Grant Program

·       Manages REA’s extensive student scholarship program

·       Publicizes, plans, and executes the REA/SOE Spring Awards Celebration


3.     Summer Engineering Experience

·       Works with alumni and corporations across the country to help early-stage Rice Engineering students prepare for and obtain their first engineering experience in a professional work environment. 

·       Focus is on students of high potential who attended under-resourced high schools, particularly low-income and first-generation students. 

·       Further details on SEE are available at



4.     Alumni Outreach

This committee manages REA’s programs around the country that connect alumni with each other and with the school. Principal programs include:

·       Annual REA Winter Social in Houston

·       Events related to visits by the Dean of Engineering or other Rice leadership to cities outside Houston

·       Other events and programs for Rice Engineering Alumni around the country, driven by opportunities and the initiative of committee members


5.     Alumni Honors

·       Works with the Dean’s office to solicit nominations for and select recipients of the School of Engineering’s principal alumni awards:

o   Distinguished Service Medal

o   Distinguished Engineering Alumnus

o   Outstanding Engineering Alumnus

o   Outstanding Young Engineering Alumnus

·       Spearheads other recognition efforts (e.g. memorial resolutions) by REA


6.     Sponsorship

·       Plans programs to drive the financial support which funds REA programs

·       Organizes the marketing and support of the 24 Hour Challenge

·       Works with SOE staff to produce the REA Annual Report


7.     Communications

·       Manages REA’s website and social media presence

·       Manages REA’s communications with alumni, faculty, staff, and students



Time and Financial Commitments

Each of the above roles has different expectations for term of service, meetings, principal events, and REA Sponsorship:

*These duties as a Director are in addition to the Director’s applicable Chapter Steering Team or Standing Committee responsibilities.